TBRC7 said 4 years ago:

How does LSU do at running back this year y’all think? They are known for having good RB’s every year. Clyde Edwards Elaire gone is gonna hurt.
Jason replied 4 years ago:
CEH was so dynamic. Going to be tough to replace. But you shouldn’t sleep on their backs. They’ll still be good.
TBRC7 replied 4 years ago:
And I won’t. They pump good RB’s out like a factory
Mike replied 4 years ago:
That will be interesting! I mean they have recruited the position very well so I think they are in great hands with Chris Curry, TDP, and Emery. It may take them a few games to get settled though!
Sunil replied 4 years ago:
LSU is so deep at RB it is scary. They will play at least four guys but I think Davis-Price separates himself from the pack
TBRC7 replied 4 years ago:
My thoughts exactly. No spring ball will hurt a lot of teams imo

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